Information on temporary and permanent disabled placards, which allow a vehicle with a disabled driver or passenger to park in accessible parking spaces.
A Disabled Placard is a removable windshield placard hung from the rearview mirror of a parked vehicle in order to park in disabled parking spaces.
The placard must be used only when a physically disabled person is the occupant of the motor vehicle at the time of parking or when the physically disabled person is being dropped off or picked up.
To meet the qualifications for a placard, you must be:
Disabled placards are handled by the State of Missouri, not the City of St. Louis. The placards can be obtained by mail or through your local Missouri Department of Revenue Fee Office (DMV). Read more about disabled placards at the Missouri Department of Revenue website.
Assemble your Physcian's Statement (form 1776) and Application for Disabled Person Placard (form 2769) as outlined above, and the fee if applicable, and submit them to the Missouri Department of Revenue.
Bring your forms and fee (cash, credit card, or check made out to Missouri Department of Revenue) to your nearest Department of Revenue Fee Office (DMV).
Mail your forms and fee (check or money order made out to Missouri Department of Revenue) to the following address:
Motor Vehicle Bureau
PO Box 598
Jefferson City, MO 65105-0598
If you are applying for a duplicate placard and mailing your forms, your Application for Disabled Person Placard (form 2769) must be notarized in advance.
To apply via mail or in person, your fee can be paid via check made out to Missouri Department of Revenue. Cash and credit cards are also accepted in person.
If you bring your forms to a Missouri Department of Revenue office, you will receive your placard immediately.
If you mail your forms, you can expect to receive your placard in the mail in two to three weeks. To inquire about the status of your application, you can contact the Department of Revenue via email.
The placard must be used only when a physically disabled person is the occupant of the motor vehicle at the time of parking or when the physically disabled person is being dropped off or picked up. The placard should not be hung from the rearview mirror when the vehicle is being operated.
Temporary Disabled Person placards are red. Permanently Disabled Person placards are blue.
You may renew a temporary disabled placard once for a period not to exceed 180 days by submitting a new Application for Disabled Person Placard Form 2769, a new Physician's Statement for Disabled Person's Placard Form 1776, and a $2 fee.
For a permanent disabled placard, a renewal notice will be mailed every four years to your most current address on record for the Disabled Placard. You must get a new physician's statement every other renewal period (8 years), unless you are 75 years of age or older, or a disabled veteran. In those cases, a new physician's form is not required for renewal.