We've created a short video with some top tips to consider when making your planning application.
There are many different kinds of permission for building projects. The Planning Portal contains extensive guidance on the permissions required for most common projects. If a project doesn’t fit into one of these categories, please contact us for advice.
To improve the chances of a successful application, we offer pre-application advice. There are different levels of free and paid advice that can help reduce errors and delays. Pre-application advice does not guarantee a successful application later on. We manage the Greater Cambridge Design Review Panel, which can be useful for larger or more complex schemes.
Please use our Useful Guide to Planning Permission to find answers to many common questions. In addition, the ‘Common Projects’ page on the Planning Portal has information on over 50 typical homeowner building projects. Our website holds information on topics which we take into account when assessing applications. These include:
Our validation checklists set out what documents and drawings we require for each kind of application. Some of these are the same across the country, but we have local validation requirements, too. If we do not receive all the information we require, we cannot validate an application.
Applying through the Planning Portal is the best way to ensure that we receive all documents and all of the information that we require. Fees for planning applications are set nationally and can be calculated using the Planning Portal’s fees calculator.
Applicants can use an agent (typically a planning consultant or an architect) to prepare and submit an application on their behalf.
If we do not receive all of the required information or fees, we write to the applicant (or to their agent, if one is being used) to inform them that their application is invalid. The applicant has 14 days to submit further information to us, which will allow us to validate the application.
New applications, once validated, are normally uploaded to our online planning register within 5 working days.
We put all applications onto our online planning register, where anyone can submit a comment. Depending on the type of application, we may also put up a site notice, notify neighbours by letter, or we may publish a public notice in a local newspaper. For more information, consult the statutory publicity requirements.
We also notify and consult organisations which are relevant to the application. This can include:
Different kinds of applications have different timescales for decision-making – please refer to our planning timescales page.
In reaching a decision, we assess whether the proposal complies with all relevant national policy and local policies and guidance. We take into account all the comments received as part of the consultation. We weigh up the planning balance of all relevant matters and consider whether we think the application should be permitted.
If we think an application is likely to be refused, we will contact the applicant and allow them to withdraw it. Minor amendments that do not require re-consultation can occasionally be accommodated, and in those circumstances, we can extend the determination period to allow applicants to submit revised information. For more information, visit amending an application. All new information is uploaded to the online planning register .
Planning decisions can be delegated to officers to decide, or decided by Planning Committee made up of elected members (Councillors). Further information can be found on our delegated planning decisions page.
There are 3 committees administered by the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service:
The webpages above hold records of each committee's agenda, minutes and decisions.
Members of the public can speak in support or opposition to applications, and these views are taken into account when the councillors make their decisions. Applicants within the Cambridge City Council area can also request a pre-application presentation to councillors, which is also open to the public.
If an application is refused, it may be possible to submit a modified application (if changes to the proposal would make this acceptable). Submitting a modified application is free of charge within 12 months of the refusal - applicants should discuss this with their case officer.
Applicants can appeal if we:
We advise that applicants speak to their case officer before submitting an appeal. Only the applicant can appeal a decision – members of the public cannot ask for an appeal. Read more about planning appeals .
We upload the decision notice to the online planning register shortly after a decision is made. We also contact the applicant (or agent, if applicable) at the same time. The decision notice will include all conditions that have been applied to the permission.
Some types of development will be required to make developer contributions (sometimes known as section 106 agreements) before planning permission can be granted. We will discuss this with the applicant, or their agent if required.
Most planning permissions have conditions attached. These may fall into the following categories:
Applications to discharge conditions should be made via the Planning Portal (login, click the button marked 'Start new application', and then select 'Approval of details reserved by a condition (discharge)') - or forms can be downloaded and then emailed to us. Fees may be payable – refer to the Planning Portal’s Fee Calculator. A decision will usually be made within eight weeks of submission.
Please use our online form to request confirmation that all conditions have been previously discharged. Please note; this form cannot be used in place of submitting an ‘Application for Approval of Details Reserved by Condition’ via the Planning Portal.
Minor amendments to a consented scheme are known as non-material amendments. These should be submitted to us for approval. More substantial changes may require a new application to be submitted. Legislation for listed building consent means that we cannot approve any amendments to these schemes, once consented.
Once all of the pre-commencement conditions are approved, construction can start on site. In most cases, works have to begin within 3 years of planning permission being granted, but this can vary, and the exact dates will be stated on the decision notice. You may wish to notify us that commencement has occurred within the required timeframes – photographic evidence is usually accepted and can be submitted to the S106 monitoring team via planning@greatercambridgeplanning.org.
Building control approval is a separate process and may also be required.
If a development is not carried out according to the approved drawings and reports, the applicant can be contacted by our enforcement service and asked to make the changes required, or they may be asked to submit a new application to cover the changes.
If you are concerned about a suspected breach of planning permission, please visit our compliance page where you can find out how to report your concerns.
Planning obligations often called section 106 agreements, are legally enforceable obligations entered into under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. They are agreements made between a developer and the Local Planning Authority designed to meet the concerns an LPA may have about meeting the cost of providing new infrastructure for an area.
A section 106 agreement may be used for;
A planning obligation may only constitute a reason for granting planning permission for the development if the obligation is:
A person against whom a planning obligation is enforceable may apply to the local planning authority to have the agreement amended.