Union Grove Union High School District is a public school district serving Union Grove area, Wisconsin. For academic year 2020-2021, 1 schools served 1,003 students through 09 to 12 th grade in its 1 schools. A total of 72 teachers are teaching their students and the average students to teacher ratio is 14 to 1.
According to the Wisconsin state assessment result, 33% of students are proficient in Math learning and 40% of students are proficient in English/language arts learning.
District Contacts
Civil Rights Coordinators
Title II (disabilities)
Title VI (race, color, national origin)
Title IX (sex-based)
Best Colleges in Wisconsin
Community Colleges
Madison, WI
$12,743 ($5,172) Tuition & Fees
Madison, WI
$7,027 ($4,780) Tuition & Fees
Madison, WI
$40,603 ($11,205) Tuition & Fees
1,450 SAT Score
River Falls, WI
$16,887 ($8,606) Tuition & Fees
La Crosse, WI
$18,691 ($9,651) Tuition & Fees
Milwaukee, WI
$15,690 Tuition & Fees
Appleton, WI
$55,461 Tuition & Fees
1,310 SAT Score
Milwaukee, WI
$48,700 Tuition & Fees
1,280 SAT Score
Mequon, WI
$34,250 Tuition & Fees
Beloit, WI
$58,554 Tuition & Fees
1,280 SAT Score
Madison, WI
$6,749 Tuition & Fees
Rice Lake, WI
$6,583 ($4,524) Tuition & Fees
La Crosse, WI
$6,909 ($4,716) Tuition & Fees
Pewaukee, WI
$6,887 ($4,694) Tuition & Fees
Eau Claire, WI
$6,917 ($4,724) Tuition & Fees
Student Population
A total of 1,003 students are attending Union Grove Union High School District. By gender, there are 505 (50.3%) and 498 (49.7%) female students at Union Grove Union High School District.
By race/ethnicity, 880 White (87.7%), 3 Black (0.3%), and14 Asian (1.4%) students are attending schools.